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(…) “he found another niche to capitalize on: codfish milt, or sperm. Mr. Olafsson discovered, after doing a bit of research, that milt was in demand in a number of upscale restaurants in the United States, Japan and Korea. One morning I accompanied Mr. Olafsson to the plant where he obtains his milt (…) “What’s in those vats?”, I asked uneasily. “That’s the product”, he replied proudly. He then scooped up a huge handful of milt. “This is the sperm. It has a lot of protein, just like your sperm.” I marveled for a moment that what he was holding was a marketable commodity. But would he really eat the stuff? “You know”, he replied, “in Iceland we eat ram’s testicles, so believe me, it’s no big deal to eat cod sperm”.

in Portugal Contemporâneo (citado do International Herald Tribune).

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